At Clare Community Primary School, we are committed to developing a love of reading. Alongside the stories children study as part of our English Scheme ‘Read in to Writing’ and the non-fiction books studied through guided reading sessions, each class should read, perform and write a variety of poems throughout the year (as outlined in our school’s Poetry Spine’). These are starting points and teachers will add to the core books throughout the year to further develop children’s exposure and enjoyment of poetry. Through sharing, reading, writing and performing rhymes and poems, we aim to build children’s emotional connection to language and the world around us.
We have identified a core set of poems for each year group. Each year group will learn by heart at least three poems to be performed and shared with their peers, parents or visitors. Children will also be encouraged to revisit poems previously learnt.
We also seek opportunities throughout the year for children to watch or hear poets reciting and discussing their own work – our next author visit being the poet and writer Justin Coe, author of ‘The Dictionary of Dads’ and ‘The Magic of Mums’.