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  • Admissions

The school’s catchment area covers Clare, Stoke by Clare, Wixoe, Boyton End and Poslingford. A number of out-of-catchment families currently attend the school, and we welcome such applications, subject to the availability of places. From September 2011, entry into the Reception class is offered to children in the September following their fourth birthday.

Suffolk County Council is responsible for admissions of September starters into our Reception class. Full details of policy and procedures are set out in the Admissions to Schools in Suffolk booklet, which is available from the school office, or you can download it by clicking on the link below. For further information, or to make an application, please phone the admissions team on 0345 600 0981.

For children transferring from another school, requests are dealt with by our admin team. Please contact our office on 01787 277423, via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or pop in to the school office.

Our Admissions policy can be viewed and downloaded below.