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  • Computing (ICT)

    Computing (ICT)

At Clare Community Primary computing is taught through a balance of discrete skill based 'Computing' lessons and cross curricular learning within other lessons. 

Discrete lessons ensure comprehensive coverage of the national curriculum objectives through the use of a variety of hardware (Laptops, IPads, digital cameras, BeeBots, Coding Critters, Micro:Bits, data loggers etc) and an ever-updating range of software. 

Cross curricular learning includes the use of subscription websites such as TTRock Stars, Accelerated Reader, Bedrock, Letter Join and NumBots. The regular use of these sites give children opportunities to develop the skills needed to safely set up/put away, turn on/off, log in/out, trouble shoot common ICT problems and improve the fine motor skills needed to use touch screens, keyboards and mouse pads. In addition to this word processors are used for written work in English, data handling software is used in mathematics and science, presentation software is used across our foundation subjects and search engines are used for research. Teaching staff incorporate ICT into all lessons with the use of interactive whiteboards, visualisers, digital cameras and a huge variety of immersive online resources to really help bring learning to life.