It is the legal responsibility of parents/carers to ensure that children attend school on time, when the school is open. Attendance at school on a regular basis is essential for good progress. There will be a member of staff on duty in the playground from 8.35am to 8.45am each morning, and the bell will be rung at 8.45am to signify the beginning of the registration period. Children will be asked to line up with their class teacher, who will then walk them into school. At this point we ask you to support us in saying goodbye to your child and handing them over to our care, remaining on the playground while we walk the children to their classes.
Teachers will endeavour to reach the playground a few minutes before 8.45am, so if there is something quick and urgent, you can pass on any messages. If you wish to discuss something at length, please arrange to speak to your child’s teacher at a mutually-convenient time.
In September, Reception children can be taken directly to their classroom door at 8.45am and picked up from there at 3pm. Doors will close at 8.50am and children must then enter via the office entrance to be signed in, and your child will be marked late. Registers officially close at 9am; children will be marked unauthorized late if they arrive in school after 9am and should enter through the front entrance. If your child is late, it is your responsibility to ensure that they enter the school safely.
As a rule, children should not be picked up early from school unless there are exceptional circumstances which would mean seeking permission from the headteacher via a Holiday Form. It is helpful for the school office to know if parents or carers are going to be away from home and your child is staying with grandparents or being looked after by a family friend, so the most appropriate person can be contacted in an emergency. If you are not collecting your child, you will need to inform us verbally or in writing. We reserve the right to detain the child at school if we have any doubts or concerns about the person sent to accompany them.
Children in Years 5 and 6 are allowed to walk home alone if we have written permission from the parent or carer, and we accept that they are trustworthy to do so. In winter months, we do not allow children to walk home alone after clubs.
If your child is unwell, please phone the school on the first day of absence before 9am. You will need to phone on each day of absence. We encourage parents to send children into school with minor ailments and, if in doubt about sending a child into school, please ask us for a second opinion. If we feel that a child is too ill to be in school, we will always contact you straight away. If we cannot contact parents before 12noon we will follow our safeguarding procedure and notify Suffolk Police. Parents are encouraged to arrange medical/dental appointments out of school hours or during the holidays, except in an emergency. You will be asked to provide an appointment card or letter prior to, or immediately after, the date of a medical appointment.
Special Leave of Absence
Regular attendance is vital to ensure children make good progress and reach their potential. Time off school for family holidays is not a right. It is our policy not to grant leave of absence for a holiday other than in the most exceptional circumstances. If a child has 10 days off school each academic year, they will miss approximately two terms of schooling overall.
If you wish to apply for a leave of absence, please use the form below.
More details can be found in our Attendance Policy